Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh 2022 (Updated)

    Fibroscan is a popular test for the liver and people frequently search for Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh. Considering people's requirements, we designed the article regarding Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh. 

    Keep reading the article you will get all the necessary information regarding Fibroscan Test as well as Fibroscan Test  Price, Test Location, Test Pre Caution, and Test Result in Bangladesh. So without further due, let's get started. 

    Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh
    Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh

    Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh

    Fibroscan Test is also known as Ultrasound Elastography. The test is highly popular for the Liver. This is a modern technology of tests and it used ultrasound to determine the disease. Mainly the test is done to identify liver health. 

    Even Fibroscan Test is also popular to identify the shiftiness of the liver. Sa well as the test looks for any scar in between the liver. This test is available all over Bangladesh. 

    According to Popular Diagnostics, Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh is only 4000 BDT. Not only Popular Diagnostic Center, Generally Fibroscan Test cost is around 4000 all over Bangladesh. Though It varies from organization to organization. The most aristocratic hospital like Apolo and Squire may change a bit higher but in general Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh 2022 is 4000 BDT. 

    SL  Test Name Price
    01 FibroScan 4500 TK
    02 Fibroscan with CAP 4000 TK

    There are some precautions before the test. Keep reading the article and get full information regarding Fibroscan Test. 

    Precautions - Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh

    Before the test, you should be aware of some matters. Which are discussed below. 

    1. Alcohol, as you know that alcohol is highly dangerous for the liver. Mostly alcoholic people suffer from liver diseases. If you are an alcoholic and thinking to have Fibroscan Test then you must avoid drinking alcohol 2 weeks before the test. 
    2. You must consult your doctor before the test if you are pregnant. Discuss your pregnancy before the test with your doctor. 
    3. There might have little vibration during the test. Do not worry about it as the test is not painful anymore. 
    4. Before the test, you have not to need to take any other preparation. Just you can not eat anything from 3 hours before the test and you should wear loose clothes.

    What are the Symptoms of Fibrosis of the Liver?

    There are some symptoms before the Fibroscan Test.  People generally go for Fibroscan Test if they find a scar on their liver. As well as if you find any of the following symptoms then you might go for the Fibroscan Test. You must consult your doctor before going to the test: 

    1. Fatigue
    2. Itching
    3. If you are losing weight
    4. If you have yellow skills
    5. Nose Bleeding
    6. Lower limbs swelling 

    Fibroscan Test Result in Bangladesh

    In terms of Fibroscan Test Result in Bangladesh, you should know the following matters. The result is shown through the following scores: 

    • F0 = If you do not have any scarring in your liver. 
    • F1 = If you have notings or very mild scarring. 
    • F2 = Moderate Liver Scranning. 
    • F3 = Higher Liver Scranning 
    • F4 = Extreme Liver Scranning

    The test result is provided within a very short period of time. Thought It depends according to Organization. You might have a maximum of 4 hours to get the test result. 

    Conclusion - Fibroscan Test Price in Bangladesh 

    I hope the content helps you to know about Fibroscan Test Prices in Bangladesh. If you still have any things else to know then feel free to comment on the post. I will try to help you to provide very authentic information regarding medical test prices as well as medical-related information. Thank You

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