Ibn Sina test price list | MRI test price in Bangladesh Ibn Sina

    Ibn Sina is one of the most popular private hospitals in Bangladesh because of the Ibn Sina test price list and MRI test price in Bangladesh Ibn Sina. This hospital started its journey in 1980 with just 13 members. Ibn Sina Hospital was powered by Ibn Sina Trust. The principal goal of this hospital was to provide treatment in Bangladesh at a low and affordable cost and this moto is still running on Ibn Sina. Ibn Sina developed its sectors in many ways and in every branch its enough successful. Its successful branches are Ibn Sina Hospital, Ibn Sina Diagnostic Center, Ibn Sina Pharmaceuticals, Ibn Sina Consultant center, Ibn Sina Laboratories, etc. Ibn Sina hospital is situated in Dhanmondi 15. The hospital is a big enough hospital and serves patients with 400+ beds and 5000+ employees. 

    Ibn Sina test price list
    Ibn Sina test price list
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    As well as Ibn Sina Hospital is well decorated with modern equipment for treatments. For every test and operation, they use the latest and modern procedure. The doctors of Ibn Sina Hospital is well behaved, experienced as well as well educated. Not only doctors but also all the team members such as surgeons, technicians, medical staff are sincerely and earnest towards duties and patients. Ibn Sina hospital is highly popular in all classes people because of the Ibn Sina test price list and the Ibn Sina test package. The test report which is provided by Ibn Sina is done by modern equipment and experienced employee. That's why international hospitals always accept the test report of Ibn Sina. 

    Ibn Sina Test Price List

    Ibn Sina's test price list is given below. There are 900+ tests are available in Ibn Sina Hospital. All test prices are given below. We know that Ibn Sina provides 25% off on medical tests so the following prices are also applied with 25% Off. All of these prices are updated although the price may increase or decrease a bit during the medical test. 

    Ibn Sina test price list Price in BDT (TK)
    ACTH (Blood) 712.5
    ACTH stimulation Test (Synacthen) 2250
    APTT 637.5
    ASO Titre 450
    Acid Phosphate (Prostate) 637.5
    Acid Phosphate (Total) 600
    Adenosine Deaminase 637.5
    Albumin 225
    Alcohol Test 750
    Aldehyde 562.5
    Alkaline Phosphatase 225
    Alpha 1 Acid Glycoprote 1200
    Alpha 1 Antitrypsin 900
    Alpha 1 Glycoprotein Acid 600
    Alpha 1 Microglobulin 1200
    Alpha 2 Microglobulin 1125
    Alpha Feto Protein 1000 750
    Amphetamine Screen (Urine) 50
    Amylase 850 637.5
    Ana/Anf 1000 750
    Anti Ds Dna 1300 975
    Anti Mullerian Hormun 2250
    Anti Thyroid Antibody 1650
    Anti Ccp 1200 900
    Anti Eardiolipin Ab 750
    Anti Hbc (Total) 750
    Anti Hbc Igm 750
    Anti Hbe 750
    Anti Hcv 750
    Anti Microsomal 825
    Anti Sperm Antibody 750
    Anti Throbin Iii 825
    Anti Thyroglobulin 825
    Apo A1 600
    Apo B 600
    Apolipoprotein A1 525
    Apolipoprotein B 525
    Ascitic Fluid ADA 675
    Ascitic Fluid AFB 225
    Ascitic Fluid Albumin 225
    Ascitic Fluid Anaerobic C/S 562.5
    Ascitic Fluid Biochemistry 450
    Ascitic Fluid C/S 450
    Ascitic Fluid Cytology 225
    Ascitic Fluid Gm Stain 3 225
    Ascitic Fluid Ldh 600
    Ascitic Fluid Malignant Cells 600
    Ascitic Fluid Protein 300
    Ascitic Fluid Sugar 112.5
    Aspirated Fluid 450
    Aspirated Fluid C/S 450
    Aspirated Fluid Cytology 225
    Aspirated Fluid Gm Stain 225
    B Hcg 825
    B Scan Test 615
    B2 Microglobulin 112.5
    BAL for Afb 262.5
    Bact.Antigen 825
    Bal For C/S 450
    Bal for AFB Anaerobic C/S 525
    Bal for AFB C/S 450
    Bal for Anaerobic C/S 525
    Bal for Cytology 225
    Bal for Gram Stain 225
    Band Ligation 3375
    Basal Cortisol 750
    Bed Swab C/S 450
    Bence Jones Protein 300
    Benzodiazepine (Urine) 750
    Beta 2 Microglobulin 1200
    Bilirubin (Total) 225
    Bilirubin D/I 375
    Bleeding Time 225
    Blood C/S (Fan Method) 750
    Blood C/S Aerobic 750
    Blood C/S Anaerobic 750
    Blood Film (Blood Culture) 225
    Blood Grouping 375
    Blood Sugar Fasting 112.5
    Blood Sugar Random 112.5
    Blood Sugar after 2hr insulin 112.5
    Blood for Monospot Test 450
    Bone Densitometry (Bmd) 1875
    Bone Marrow 2250
    Bone Marrow Fluid Afb 225
    Bone Marrow Fluid Afb Cs 525
    Bone Marrow Fluid C/S 450
    Bone Marrow Fluid Gram Stain 225
    Brain Abscess For C/S 450
    Brain Abscess for Anaerobic C/S 525
    Breast Secration C/S 450
    Breast Secration For Cytology 375
    Broncheal Wash Afb 225
    Broncheal Wash Anaerobic C/S 450
    Broncheal Wash Bio Chem 307.5
    Broncheal Wash C/S 450
    Broncheal Wash Cytology 225
    Broncheal Wash Gm Stain 225
    Broncheal Wash Malignant Cell 450
    Brucella Agglutination 375
    Bun 225
    C1 Estrease Inhibitor 525
    Immunology C3 750
    Serology 750
    Serology 337.5
    CCR 525
    CEA 750
    CLO Test 450
    CPK 600
    CRP 525
    CT Scan Whole Body 20250
    Ca 125 750
    Ca 750
    Ca 19.9 750
    Calcium 262.5
    Canca 750
    Cannabinoids (Urine) 750
    Carbamazapine 750
    Catheter Tip Anaerobic C/S 675
    Catheter Tip C/S 450
    Cer. Smear Cytology 600
    Cer.Smear C/S 450
    Cer.Smear Gm.Stain 225
    Cervical Test 337.5
    Chalagion 900
    Chalamydia Ab 750
    Chikun Gunya 900
    Chloride 210
    Cholesterol 225
    Circulating Eosinophils (CE) 150
    Ckmb 600
    Clotting Time 150
    Clymydia (Cft) 562.5
    Co2 225
    Coagulation Time 150
    Cocane (Urine) 750
    Colonoscopy(Full) 4500
    Colonoscopy(Short) 2250
    Colposcopy 1500
    Colposcopy Of Cervix 1125
    Con.Swab Anaerobic C/S Lt. 450
    Con.Swab Anaerobic C/S Rt. 450
    Con.Swab C/S Lt. Eye 450
    Con.Swab C/S Rt. Eye 450
    Conj. Swab Gram Stain 225
    Conjunctival Hood 2250
    Coomb`s D/I 487.5
    Cortisol 750
    Creatinine 225
    Creatinine Of Peritoneal Fluid 225
    Cross Matching 187.5
    Csf Ada 637.5
    Csf Afb 225
    Csf Albumin 225
    Csf Bio Chem 450
    Csf Cl 225
    Csf Cytology 225
    Csf For Afb C/S 525
    Csf For Anaerobic C/S 525
    Csf For C/S 450
    Csf For Malig. Cell 450
    Csf Gm Stain 225
    Csf Ldh 600
    Csf Malignant Cell 450
    Csf Protein 300
    Csf Sugar 112.5
    Csf Vdrl 300
    Ct 3d Imaging 6000
    Ct Abdomen 9000
    Ct ScanCt Abdomen Angiogram 11250
    Ct Angio Calcium Score 4500
    Ct Angio Lower Limb 11250
    Ct Angio Upper Limb 11250
    Ct Angiogram Syringe 1162.5
    Ct Anglo Ct 6000
    Ct Ankle Joint 4500
    Ct Base Of Skull 3000
    Ct Biopsy 7500
    Ct Both Hip Jt 3750
    Ct Brain 3000
    Ct Brain & Orbit 4500
    Ct Brain Angiogram 9000
    Ct C.Spine 4500
    Ct Carotid Angiogram 11250
    Ct Chest 4500
    Ct Coronary Angiogram 11250
    Ct Dors.Spine 4500
    Ct Dorsal Spine 4500
    Ct Ear R/L 4500
    Ct Elbow Joint Rt./Lt. 4500
    Ct Face 4500
    Ct Femur 4500
    Ct Film & Procedure 2250
    Ct For Epidural Procedure 1350
    Ct Injection Ct Forearm Rt./Lt. 4500
    Ct Hand 4500
    Ct Hbs & Pancreas 4500
    Ct Head 3000
    Ct Scan Ct Joint/Bone 4500
    Ct Scan Knee 4500
    Ct Scan Knee Both 9000
    Ct L/S.Spine 4500
    Ct Laryngopharynx 4500
    Ct Leg 4500
    Ct Lower Abdomen 4500
    Ct Lower Abdomen Angiogram 11250
    Ct Lumber Puncher Screening 1500
    Ct Mastoid 4500
    Ct Maxilla 4500
    Ct Nasopharynx 4500
    Ct Neck 4875
    Ct Neck & Brain Angiogram 11250
    Ct Neck Angiogram 11250
    Ct Orbit 4500
    Ct Para Nasal Sinuses 4500
    Ct Pelvis 4875
    Ct Peripheral Angiogram 11250
    Ct Pituitary Fossa 4500
    Ct Pns 4500
    Ct Post.Fossa 4500
    Ct Renal Angiogram 11250
    Ct Right Ear/Left Ear 4500
    Ct S.I. Joint 4500
    Ct Salivary Glands 4500
    Ct Scan Arm/Fore Arm 4500
    Ct Scan Elbow Joint 4500
    Ct Scan Face & Neck 5250
    Ct Scan Foot 4500
    Ct Scan Hip Joint 4500
    Ct Scan KUB 9750
    Ct Scan Knee Joint 4500
    Ct Scan Of Kidneys 4500
    Ct Scan Of Liver Pancreas 4500
    Ct Scan Shoulder Joint 4500
    Ct Scan Thigh 4500
    Ct Scan Thoracic Spine 4500
    Ct Sella (Turcica) 4500
    Ct Soft Tissue 4500
    Ct Tm Joint 4500
    Ct Tounge 4500
    Ct Upper Abdomen 4500
    Ct Urogram 9750
    Ct Whole Abdomen 9000
    Ct Wrist Rt/Lt 4500
    Cv Line Aerobic 600
    Cv Line Anaerobic 525
    Cyclosporin 1650
    Cystatin C 825
    Cystic Fluid Anaerobic C/S 525
    Cystic Fluid C/S 450
    Cytomegalo Virus Antibody Igg 825
    Cytomegalo Virus Antibody Igm 825
    Cytopath Slide Delivery 225
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Ascitic Fluid) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Bal) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Csf) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Joint Fluid) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Pericardial Fluid) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Pertionial Fluid) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Plural Fluid) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Traceal Fluid) 750
    Cytospin Malignant Cell (Tracheal Spirate) 750
    D Dimer 825
    DSEA S 457.5
    Dengue Ns1 Ag 750
    Dengue Virus Ab Igg 600
    Dengue Virus Ab Igm 600
    Dheas 900
    Digoxin 750
    Dilatation Sg 3000
    Doppler Study Of Abdominal Aorta & Its Branches 2250
    Doppler Study Of Carotid Vessel 2250
    Doppler Study Of Kidney/Renal Perfusion 2250
    Doppler Study Of Lower Limb Veins/Deep Veins 2250
    Doppler Study Of Lower Limb Vessels 2250
    Doppler Study Of Neck Vessel 2250
    Doppler Study Of Pampiniform Plexus 2250
    Doppler Study Of Penile Vessels 2625
    Doppler Study Of Peripheral Vascular Doppler 2250
    Doppler Study Of Upper Limb Vessels 2250
    Ds Filing Permanent 1 (Per Teeth) 600
    Duodenal Dilation(Balloon) 4125
    Duplex Study 2250
    Duplex Study Of Axillary & Brachial 2250
    Duplex Study Of Both Lower Limb 4500
    Duplex Study Of Both Upper Limb 4500
    Duplex Study Of Brain (Neonatal) 2250
    Duplex Study Of Carotids 2250
    Duplex Study Of Clavical Region 2250
    Duplex Study Of Cross Limb 4500
    Duplex Study Of Dvt 2250
    Duplex Study Of Face 2250
    Duplex Study Of Hbs Portal System 2250
    Duplex Study Of Iliace & Mesenteric 2250
    Duplex Study Of Left Lower Limb 2250
    Duplex Study Of Left Upper Limb 2250
    Duplex Study Of Lump 2250
    Duplex Study Of Neck Vessels 2250
    Duplex Study Of Penile Vesseles 2625
    Duplex Study Of Penis 2250
    Duplex Study Of Prostate 2250
    Duplex Study Of Renal Vessele 2250
    Duplex Study Of Rt.Lower Limb 2250
    Duplex Study Of Rt.Upper Limb 2250
    Duplex Study Of Scrotal 2250
    Duplex Study Of Testies 2250
    Duplex Study Of Whole Abdomen 2250
    ECG 225
    EEG 1500
    ESR 112.5
    ETT 1875
    Ear Swab Anaerobic C/S 525
    Ear Swab Anaerobic C/S Lt 525
    Ear Swab Anaerobic C/S Rt 525
    Ear Swab C/S 450
    Ear Swab C/S Lt 450
    Ear Swab C/S Rt 450
    Ear Swab Gm.Stain 225
    Ear Swab Gm.Stain Lt 225
    Ear Swab Gm.Stain Rt 225
    Echo Color Doppler 1650
    Echocardiogram 900
    Electrolytes 637.5
    Emg Both Lower Limbs 4500
    Emg Both Upper Limbs 4500
    Emg Face 2250
    Emg Of Cross Limbs 4500
    Emg Tongue 2250
    Endocervical Swab Afb 262.5
    Endocervical Swab Bio Chem 450
    Endocervical Swab C/S 450
    Endocervical Swab Cytology 225
    Endocervical Swab Gm Stain 225
    Endoscopy Biospy Charge 450
    Endoscopy Guided Feeding Tube Introduction 4500
    Endoscopy Upper Gi 1500
    Endotracheal Tip Anaerobic C/S 525
    Endotracheal Tip C/S 450
    Epilated Hair Root 225
    Ercp (Diagnostic) 6750
    Ercp Lithotripsy Stone Exraction 26250
    Ercp Metallic Stenting 20250
    Ercp Stent Extraction 21000
    Ercp Stent Removal 6000
    Ercp Stenting 20250
    Esophageal Stenting 5625
    Estradiol 750
    Ethanol 562.5
    FT 3 750
    FT 4 750
    Factor 8 750
    Factor 9 750
    Fdp 900
    Febrile Antigen 675
    Fena 825
    Ferritin 750
    Fibre Optic Laryngoscopy (Fol) 1875
    Fibrinogen Level 600
    Fibronection 675
    Fibroscan 3506.25
    Fistula Swab 450
    Floor Swab C/S 450
    Fluid Uric Acid 225
    Fnac 1050
    Fnac(Ct Guided) 1050
    Fol 1200
    Folic Acid/Folate 275
    Foreign Body Extraction 4125
    Free Psa 750
    Free Psa Total Psa Ratio 1275
    Free Testosterone 1275
    Fsh 750
    Fta Abs 457.5
    G6 Pd 675
    GTT 337.5
    Gamma Gt 600
    Gastric Aspirate 450
    Gastric Fluid Anaerobic C/S 450
    Gastric Fluid C/S 450
    Gastric Lavage 450
    Gentamycin 750
    Gfr 750
    Gh 825
    Globulin 450
    Glucometer Test 37.5
    Growth Hormone 825
    H. Pylori Igg 750
    HB 112.5
    HBsAg (Elisa) 450
    HBsAg (ICT) 450
    Haemostasis Non Variceal 4125
    Haptoglobin 600
    Hav Igm 787.5
    Hb Electrophoresis 825
    Hb.Glycated 787.5
    Hba1c 750
    Hbeag 787.5
    Hbsab 787.5
    Hcg 187.5
    Hct 187.5
    Hdl 337.5
    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Ab Igg 750
    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Ab Igm 750
    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Ab Igg 750
    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Ab Igm 750
    Hev Igm 750
    Histopath 750
    Hiv (E) 825
    Hiv (R) 300
    Hla B27 (Pcr Hla B27) 3027
    Holter Monitoring 2100
    Homocysteine 1800
    Homostresei 3000
    Hrct Of Chest 4500
    Hvs Anaerobic C/S 450
    Hvs C/S 450
    Hvs For R/E M/E 225
    Hvs Gm.Stain 225
    ICT Malaria 675
    Ict Anti Hcv 675
    Ict Filaria 675
    Ict For H.Pylori 675
    Ict For T.B 675
    Ict Kala Azar 600
    Ifat For Filaria 675
    Iga Serum 712.5
    Ige 712.5
    Igg Serum 712.5
    Igm Serum 712.5
    Iha/Ha For Echinococcus 525
    Injection Pusing 37.5
    Iron 637.5
    It Tube Tip C/S 450
    Joint Fluid Afb 225
    Joint Fluid Bio Chem 450
    Joint Fluid C/S 450
    Joint Fluid Cytology 225
    Joint Fluid Gm. Stain 225
    Joint Fluid Malignant Cell 450
    Joint Fluid Protein 300
    Joint Fluid Sugar 112.5
    K+(Potassium) 225
    L.E Cells 225
    Lactate/Lactic Acid 750
    Ldh 600
    Ldl 300
    Lh 750
    Lipid Profile 750
    Lipid Profile (R) 750
    Lipo Protein 675
    Lithium 525
    Liver Biopsy (Usg Guided) 1537.5
    Liver Function Test (LFT) 750
    Lung Function Test 525
    MANTOUX TEST 262.5
    MRA NECK 5250
    Magnesium 675
    Malaria Spot Test 450
    Malignent Cell 450
    Meningitidis 600
    Mra Brain 5250
    Mrcp 5250
    Mri & Mra Brain 8250
    Mri & Mrv Brain 8250
    Mri Angiography 8250
    Mri Ankle 5250
    Mri Arm 5250
    Mri Axillae Rt./Lt. 5250
    Mri Base Of Skull 5250
    Mri Brain 5250
    Mri Brain & Cervical 9000
    Mri Brain & Cranial Nerves 9000
    Mri Brain & Ear 9000
    Mri Brain & Eye 9000
    Mri Brain & Mra 8250
    Mri Brain & Mrv 8250
    Mri Brain & Orbit 8250
    Mri Brain & Pituitary Gland 8250
    Mri Brain & Pns 8250
    Mri Brain & Screening 8250
    Mri Brain & Skull 5250
    Mri Brain & Spectroscopy 8250
    Mri Breast 5250
    Mri C.P.Angle 5250
    Mri C.Spine 5250
    Mri C/Spine & Mra 8250
    Mri Cerebello Pontine Angle 5250
    Mri Cervical Spine 5250
    Mri Cervical Spine & Screening 8250
    Mri Chest 5250
    Mri Dorsal Cervical Spine 8250
    Mri Dorsal Lumber Spine 8250
    Mri Dorsal Spine 5250
    Mri Dorso Lumber Junction 6750
    Mri Ear Left 5250
    Mri Ear Right 5250
    Mri Elbow 5250
    Mri Face 5250
    Mri Femer 5250
    Mri Ferriscan 2250
    Mri Film 525
    Mri Finger 5250
    Mri Finger Rt./Lt. 5250
    Mri Foot Rt./Lt. 5250
    Mri Forearm Lt. 5250
    Mri Forearm Rt. 5250
    Mri Forearm Rt./Lt. 500
    Mri Hand Rt./Lt. 5250
    Mri Hbs 5250
    Mri Hip 5250
    Mri Hip Joint 5250
    Mri Humerus Incloding Radius & Ulna 8250
    Mri Injection 1875
    Mri Knee 5250
    Mri Knee Joint 5250
    Mri Laryngopharynx 5250
    Mri Leg 5250
    Mri Lower Abdomen 5250
    Mri Lt Knee 5250
    Mri Lt.Subcostal Area 5250
    Mri Lt/Rt Humreas 5250
    Mri Lt/Rt Humreus & Screening 7500
    Mri Lumber Spine 5250
    Mri Lumbo Sacral Spine 5250
    Mri Lumbo Sacral Spine & Screening 7500
    MriMri Mastoid 5250
    Mri Mediastinum 6750
    Mri Neck 5250
    Mri One Region 5250
    Mri Oral Cavity 6000
    Mri Orbit 5250
    Mri Others 2625
    Mri Pelvis 5250
    Mri Pituitary Gland 5250
    Mri Pns 5250
    Mri Post.Fossa 5250
    Mri Rt Knee 5250
    Mri Rt Knee Joint 5250
    Mri Rt.Subcostal Area 5250
    Mri S.I. Joint 5250
    Mri Sacro Coccyx 5250
    Mri Salivary Glands 6000
    Mri Sella & Para Sella 5250
    Mri Shoulder Joint (Lt.) 5250
    Mri Shoulder Joint (Rt.) 5250
    Mri Spectroscopy 5250
    Mri T.M Joint 5250
    Mri Thigh 5250
    Mri Thoracic Spine 5250
    Mri Thoracic Spine & Screening 8250
    Mri Upper Abdomen 5250
    Mri Whole Abdomen 10500
    Mri Whole Body 18750
    Mri Whole Spine 15750
    Mri Wrist 5250
    Mri Wrist Joint 5250
    Mrv Brain 5250
    Mycodot 675
    Myelogram Injection 457.5
    Myoglobin 750
    Na+(Sodium) 187.5
    Nail Clipping For Dermatophyte 62.5
    Nail Clipping For Fungus 62.5
    Nail Scr.Fungus 225
    Nail Scr.Fungus For C/S 450
    Nasal Endoscopic Test 900
    Nasal Nasopharynx Scope Test 900
    Nasal Sinoscope Test 900
    Nasal Swab Anaerobic C/S 525
    Nasal Swab C/S 450
    Nasal Swab Gm.Stain 225
    Naso Biliary Intubations 15000
    Naso Jejunal Intubations 1500
    Ncv Both Lower Limbs 4500
    Ncv Both Upper Limbs 4500
    Ncv Face 2250
    Ncv Four Limbs 9000
    Ncv Lt Lower Limb 2250
    Ncv Lt Upper Limb 2250
    Ncv Of Cross Limbs 4500
    Ncv Rt Lower Limb 2250
    Ncv Rt Upper Limb 2250
    Ncv Tongue 2250
    Nipple Discharge C/S 450
    Nipple Discharge Cytology 450
    Nt Pro Bnp 2400
    Oestrogen 750
    Opiates (Urine) 750
    Oral Swab Afb 225
    Oral Swab C/S 450
    Oral Swab Cytology 225
    Oral Swab Gm Stain 225
    Ot Swab C/S 450
    P/S For Anaerobic C/S 525
    P/S For M/E 225
    P/S For Malignent Cell 450
    P/S For R/E M/E (Gm Stain + Wet Film) 225
    P/S Gm.Stain (Gc) 225
    PRO BNP 2400
    Pace Makers Fluid C/S 450
    Panca 825
    Pancreatic Amylase 675
    Pancreatic Lipase 600
    Pap`S Smear 600
    Pcr Hbv Dna Qualitative (Real Time Pcr) 6000
    Pcr Hbv Dna Quantitative (Real Time Pcr) 6000
    Pcr Hcv Rna Genotyping (Real Time Pcr) 10500
    Pcr Hcv Rna Qualitative (Real Time Pcr) 4500
    Pcr Hcv Rna Quantitative (Real Time Pcr) 7500
    Pcr Hla A B Dr Genotyping 21750
    Pcr Hla A Genotyping 3750
    Pcr Hla B Genotyping 6375
    Pcr Hla Dr Genotyping 6000
    Pcr Hla B27 3000
    Pcr Hpv Dna (Real Time Pcr) 4875
    Pcr Mtb Dna (Real Time Pcr) 4500
    Pcr Viral Ranel 1 3000
    Pcv 112.5
    Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastronomy 5625
    Pericardial Fl.Ada 637.5
    Pericardial Fl.Adb 600
    Pericardial Fl.Afb 225
    Pericardial Fl.Biochemistry 637.5
    Pericardial Fl.Cytology 225
    Pericardial Fl.Gm Stain 225
    Pericardial Fl.Malig.Cell 450
    Pericardial Fl.Protein 300
    Pericardial Fl.Sugar 112.5
    Pericardial Fluid Albumin 225
    Pericardial Fluid Anaerobic C/S 525
    Pericardial Fluid C/S 450
    Pericardial Fluid Ldh 600
    Peritoneal Fl Albumin 225
    Peritoneal Fl. Ada 675
    Peritoneal Fl. Afb 225
    Peritoneal Fl. Albumin 225
    Peritoneal Fl. Anaerobic C/S 525
    Peritoneal Fl. Biochemistry 450
    Peritoneal Fl. C/S 450
    Peritoneal Fl. Cytology 225
    Peritoneal Fl. Gm Stain 225
    Peritoneal Fl. Ldh 600
    Peritoneal Fl. Malig. Cell 450
    Peritoneal Fl. Protein 262.5
    Peritoneal Fl. Sugar 112.5
    Phenobarbiton 750
    Phy Pelvic Traction(Craction Bed) 200
    Pl.F.Ada 675
    Pl.F.Afb 225
    Pl.F.Anaerobic C/S 525
    Pl.F.Bio Chem. 450
    Pl.F.C/S 450
    Pl.F.Cytology 225
    Pl.F.Gm Stain 225
    Pl.F.Malig 450
    Pl.F.Protein 262.5
    Pl.F.Sugar 112.5
    Pleural Fluid Ada 675
    Pleural Fluid Albumin 225
    Pleural Fluid Ldh 600
    Po4(In.Phos) 375
    Polypectomy(Multi) 5625
    Endoscopy Polypectomy(Single) 3750
    Endoscopy Portable X Ray 461.25
    Xray Post Prandial Plasma Glucose 112.5
    Proctoscopy 1500
    Endoscopy Proctosigmodoscopy 1275
    Endoscopy Progesteron 750
    Prolactin 750
    Prost.Phosphatase 525
    Prostate Biopsy 1875
    Clonoscopy Prostatic Acid Phospate 525
    Protein Electrophoresis 825
    Protein C 4500
    Protein S 3375
    Prothrmb.Time 450
    Psa 750
    Ptc 4125
    Ptg 750
    Pth 825
    Pus For Ada 637.5
    Pus For Afb 225
    Pus For Afb Anaerobic C/S 450
    Pus For Afb C/S 450
    Pus For Anaerobic C/S 25
    Pus For Anaerobic C/S(Fan Mathod) 525
    Pus For C/S 450
    Pus For Cytology 225
    Pus For Malig. Cel 525
    Pus For R/E M/E 225
    Pus Gm.Stain 225
    R/A Test 450
    Rbc 112.5
    Rec.Swab Anaerobic C/S 525
    Rec.Swab C/S 450
    Retics.Count 187.5
    Rh Antib.Titre 525
    Rose Waaler Test 300
    Rpr 262.5
    Rubella Virus Antibody Igg 750
    Rubella Virus Antibody Igm 750
    S.Protein Electrophoresis 825
    S.Total Protein 300
    S.Tsat 1125
    Saag 525
    Sclerotherapy 2250
    Semen Analysis 525
    Semen Analysis Afb 225
    Semen For Anaerobic C/S 525
    Semen For C/S 450
    Semen Gram Stain 225
    Serum Ada 675
    Serum Ammonia 750
    Serum Ceruloplasmin 750
    Serum Insulin 675
    Serum Insulin (F) 675
    Serum Insulin (R) 675
    Serum Lipase 750
    Serum Oestrogen 750
    Serum Osmolality 750
    Serum Screening Test 1125
    Sgot (Ast) 225
    Sgpt (Alt) 225
    Sigmoidoscopy 1875
    Skin Fungal Anaerobic C/S 525
    Skin Fungal C/S 450
    Skin Scr.Fungus 225
    Skin Scrapping C/S 525
    Skin Scrapping For Dermatophyte 225
    Skin Scrapping M/E 225
    Slit Smear 225
    Spirometry 525
    Sputum AFB 225
    Sputum Anaerobic C/S 525
    Sputum C/S 450
    Sputum Cytology (Malignant Cell) 525
    Sputum Eosinophil 225
    Sputum Gm.Stain 225
    Sputum Malignant Cell 525
    Sputum R/E M/E (Gm Stain+Wet Film) 225
    Stool Anaerobic C/S 525
    Stool Bile Pigm 150
    Stool C/S 525
    Stool F.T 150
    Stool Obt 187.5
    Stool R/E M/E 112.5
    Stool R/S 150
    Suction Swab C/S 450
    Synacthen Test (Acth Stimulation Test) 1500
    Synovial Fluid Afb 225
    Synovial Fluid Anaerobic C/S 525
    Synovial Fluid Bio Chem 450
    Synovial Fluid C/S 450
    Synovial Fluid Cytology 225
    Synovial Fluid Gm Stain 225
    Synovial Fluid Malig. Cell 525
    T Uptake 825
    T.P.Ag.Ratio 600
    T/S For Anaerobic C/S 525
    T/S For C/S 450
    T/S For Klb 225
    T/S For R/E M/E 225
    T/S Gm.Stain. 225
    T3 600
    T4 600
    TSH 600
    Tb Iga 750
    Tb Iga.Igm.Igg 2250
    Tb Igg 750
    Tb Igm 750
    Testosterone 750
    Tg 225
    Tibc 600
    Tip Swab C/S 450
    Tongue For Candiasis Fungus 25
    Torch 6000
    Toxoplasma Antibody Igg 750
    Toxoplasma Antibody Igm 750
    Toxoplasma Antibody(Igg Igm) 1350
    Tpha 525
    Tpha (Q+Q) 562.5
    Tracheal AspiAfb 225
    Tracheal AspiAfb C/S 450
    Tracheal AspiAnaerobic C/S 450
    Tracheal AspiC/S 450
    Tracheal AspiCytology 225
    Tracheal AspiG.Stain 225
    Tracheal AspiMalig.Cell 450
    Tracheal Aspirate Bio 300
    Tracheal Lavage Anaerobic C/S 525
    Transferrin 750
    Triple Antigen 600
    Troponin I 750
    Trycyclic Anti Depressant 525
    U.24hrs Phosphate 337.5
    U.24hrs.Microalb. 187.5
    U.T.P. 24 Hrs. 300
    USG whole abdomen with PVR 1125
    Umb.Swab For Anaerobic C/S 525
    Umb.Swab For C/S 450
    Urea 225
    Urethral Smear Afb 225
    Urethral Smear Anaerobic C/S 525
    Urethral Smear C/S 450
    Urethral Smear For Gc 25
    Urethral Smear Gram Stain 225
    Urethral Smear R/E M/E(Wet Film+Gm Stain) 225
    Uric Acid 225
    Urine Acetone (Ketone Body) 187.5
    Urine Acr (Urine Creatinine+Urine Microalbumin) 675
    Urine Afb Anaerobic C/S 525
    Urine Afb C/S 450
    Urine Albumin 112.5
    Urine Albumin (24hr) 112.5
    Urine Amylase (24hrs) 600
    Urine Amylase (Spot) 600
    Urine Anaerobic C/S 525
    Urine Anaerobic C/S (Fan Mathod) 525
    Urine Bence Jones Protein 337.5
    Urine Bile Pigm. 12.5
    Urine Bile Salt 112.5
    Urine C/S 468.75
    Urine Cal.24hrs. 375
    Urine Calcium (Spot) 75
    Urine Calcium Creatinine Ratio 600
    Urine Cl Spot 225
    Urine Cortisol (24hrs) 750
    Urine Cortisol (spot) 750
    Urine Creatinine 225
    Urine Creatinine (24hrs) 225
    Urine Creatinine (Spot) 225
    Urine Cytology 525
    Urine Dipstrip Analysis 487.5
    Urine Electrolytes (24hrs) 637.5
    Urine Electrolytes (Spot) 637.5
    Urine For 17 Ketosteroid 600
    Urine For Afb 225
    Urine For Afb 24hr (3 Sample) 675
    Urine For Afb 24hrs 225
    Urine For Micro Albumin 600
    Urine For Urea 225
    Urine For Vma (Not In Dlab) 1125
    Urine Gm Stain 225
    Urine K+ 24 Hrs 225
    Urine K+ Spot 225
    Urine Lipase(24hrs) 750
    Urine Lipase(Spot) 750
    Urine Magnesium (24hrs) 525
    Urine Magnesium (Spot) 525
    Urine Malignant Cell 450
    Urine Micro Albumin 600
    Urine Micro Albumin (24hrs) 600
    Urine Na+ Spot 225
    Urine Obt 187.5
    Urine Osmolality 750
    Urine P.T. 87.5
    Urine Pcr 525
    Urine Ph. 112.5
    Urine Phosphate(24hrs) 300
    Urine Phosphate(Spot) 300
    Urine Po4 (Spot) 300
    Urine Protein (24hrs) 225
    Urine Protein (Spot) 225
    Urine R/E M/E 187.5
    Urine Sodium 225
    Urine Sodium (24hrs) 225
    Urine Sugar 112.5
    Urine Urea(24hrs) 225
    Urine Urea(Spot) 225
    Urine Uric Acid (Spot) 262.5
    Urine Uric Acid(24hrs) 262.5
    Urine Urobilinogen 112.5
    Uroflowmetry Test 600
    Usg Abd. Mcc And Pvr 937.5
    Usg Abd.Susp.Intussucepti 787.5
    Usg Anomaly Scan 1500
    Usg Back Of Upper Trunk 637.5
    Usg Biophisical Profile 4d 1162.5
    Usg Biophysical Profile 937.5
    Usg Brain 4d 1162.5
    Usg Breast Both 4d 1500
    Usg Cd Of Arotids 4d 1162.5
    Usg Cd Of Carotids 4d 1162.5
    Usg Cd Of Deep Veins 1162.5
    Usg Cd Of Vertebro Basila 1162.5
    Usg Cd Renal Artery 787.5
    Usg Chest 1125
    Usg Det.F.G.Anomalies 787.5
    Usg Face 787.5

    Ultrasonography test price in Bangladesh Ibn Sina

    All we know that Ibn Sina is well-known for medical reports at a low cost. Ultrasonography test is also available in Ibn Sina and Ultrasonography test price in Bangladesh Ibn Sina is note more than 1000 BDT. Actually, Ultrasonography has some sectors, and every sector comes with different prices but price is not more than 1000 BDT. Every ultrasonography price is lower than 1000 BDT. For more clarification, Ibn Sina phone number (Hotline) is given below. Please call the below number for more clarifications. 

    MRI test price in Bangladesh Ibn Sina

    Ibn Sina hospital is also popular for MRI Test and people also seek for MRI test price in Bangladesh Ibn Sina. Actually, there are different types of MRI Test. MRI Test price is started from 650 BDT to 9000 BDT. It depends on the test category. MRI Test Price is available at the above Test Price List of Ibn Sina. Just go through the above list and search MRI and get your desired test price. For more updated information, feel free to comment us or call the below hotline number. 

    IBN Sina CT Scan cost

    86 types of CT Scan is available in IBN Sina. IBN Sina CT Scan cost is started from 5000 BDT. Actually, the cost depends on the CT Scan category. All CT Scan prices are given in the avobe list. Please go through the list and get your CT Scan Price. 

    CBC test price in ibn Sina

    450 BDT is the CBC test price in ibn Sina. There are many medical tests in IBN Sina which are in low price such CBC Test and IBN Sina gives 25% Discount on every test to serve country peoples. 

    Ibn Sina hospital Sylhet test price | IBN Sina test price list Uttara

    IBN Sina is a recognized hospital all over the world and it is well famous in Bangladesh. There are 20+  branches of IBN Sina In Bangladesh and Test Price of all branches are similar according to IBN Sina. For more information, Feel free to contact the IBN Sina Hotline Number given below. 

    Ibn Sina Covid test price list |Ibn Sina Hospital corona test price

    Covid Test is also available in IBN Sina Hospital. Ibn Sina Hospital corona test price is around 3000 BDT to 3500 BDT. This price may reduce or increase according to time, circumstance. For clear information feel free to call the IBN Sina Hotline Number for COVID Test - 02-9010396

    IBN Sina diagnostic Dhanmondi contact number | Ibn Sina Hospital Dhaka Contact Number

    INB Sina Specialized Hospital: 01823-039800
    The Ibn Sina Trust: 02-9128835
    Ibn Sina Medical Imaging Center, Zigatola :  01711-625173
    Ibn Sina Diagnostic and Consultation Centre Lalbagh Ltd : 01842-356048
    Ibn Sina Diagnostic and Consultation Center, Malibagh : 09610-009611
    IBN SINA Medical College Hospital, Kallyanpur : 1/1 B, Kallyanpur, Dhaka 1216
    Ibn Sina Hospital & Diagnostic Keraniganj Limited : 01730-599171
    Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center (Badda) : 09610-009614
    Hotline: 10615, 09610010615
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