Teletalk Migration to Bornomala | Teletalk Migration to Agami

    Teletalk Migration to Bornomala | Teletalk Migration to Agami 

    The most popular Teletalk package is Bornomala and Agami. People seek on Teletalk Migration to Bornomala and Teletalk Migration to Agami. In this blog, I will show you is it possible to migrate your Teletalk sim into the Bornomala package or into the Agami package. Teletalk is a well-known sim in Bangladesh that is conducted by Governmental agents. That's why Teletalk is highly required for paying government fees. So all of us need at least a Teletalk sim for government payment purposes such as Government Exam Fees, Education Board Result Check, etc. Whatever, As we know that Teletalk Provides so many packages together for their audience. The packages are: 

    Teletalk Migration to Bornomala | Teletalk Migration to Agami
    Teletalk Migration to Bornomala

    1. Shotoborsho
    2. Sagotom
    3. Agami
    4. Bornomala
    5. Oporajita
    6. Mayer Hasi
    7. Youth
    8. Shadheen
    9. Projonmo

    Among them, Agami and Bornomala is the best Teletalk sim according to call rate and internet offer. That's why we people always want to migrate our normal Teletalk sim to the Bornomala package or Agami package.

    Related Article:

    Teletalk Migration to Bornomala 

    Bornomala powered by Teletalk is the most popular SIM in Bangladesh. Teletalk migration to Bornomala is an important factor to others Teletalk users. As we know that Bornomala SIM is dedicatedly designed for Students who have completed their SSC Level. As we require SSC Exam Information in registration of Bornomala SIM. If you want to register for Bornomala New SIM then just go through the link given below and provide your required information.

    Teletalk Migration to Bornomala

    Register Online

    Okay, If you have any Teletalk SIM and you want to migrate this SIM into the Bornomala package then I will say that this is not possible at all. Because Bornomala SIM er dedicatedly designed for the students and users must provide their SSC Exam information during purchasing the SIM Card. Overall, This is not possible “Teletalk Migration to Bornomala”

    In that case, if you want to take a Teletalk Bornomal SIM then you must follow the apply link given above.

    Teletalk Migration to Agami

    Agami is also a popular package of Teletalk. We will discuss Teletalk Migration to Agami. Teletalk agami is designed only for the candidates who got GPA - 5 in SSC. None of the users can take it except GPA-5 Holder in SSC. Teletalk Migration to Agami is not possible according to Teletalk. No one can transfer to Teletalk Agami Package from any other packages.  If you want to apply for Teletalk Agami SIM then just go through the procedure given below:

    Online Agami SIM registration  or Teletalk Agami SIM online registration

    Registration is online is the easiest process but Online Agami SIM registration or Teletalk Agami SIM online registration is not available yet. In that case, you must register with SMS. All procedure of Teletalk Agami SIM Registration through SMS is given below. Just follow the method.

     Go to your message option and write -

    AGAMI <Space> Board(1st 03 letters) <Space> Rol <Space> Passing Year <Space> Contact No <Space> CC Code | and send to 16222

    Download CC Code Here

    After sending this SMS, Teletalk you provide your delivery date from your nearest customer care. Before receiving the SIM card, must bring the documents with you.

    • NID Card and SIM Delivery SMS or OTP Number
    • SSC Exam Original Documents (Just to prove) such Admit Card, Mark Sheet, Certificate, etc
    • Photocopy of SSC Exam Documents
    • NID Photocopy
    • User Registration Form - Download and Print it while you collect the SIM

    For any information regarding Teletalk, feel free to comment us. Thank You 

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